Art Blocks, the popular While all Art Blocks projects have been created on Ethereum since the collective Now, however, even the mechanisms needed to view and enjoy some 90% of all Art Blocks pieces have been configured on-chain.That means that as long as the Ethereum blockchain exists, those artworks will be viewable online, regardless of whether Art Blocks as a company continues to operate and host those works.The vast majority of Art Blocks pieces that can now be viewed purely on-chain were initially created with one of two commonly used programming tools: p5js and threejs. The remaining 10% of pieces, which still require a third party’s assistance to be viewed, relied on other tools. In a blog post today, on Art Blocks’ fourth anniversary, company founder Erick Calderon called the achievement a “major leap forward.”“You’re no longer dependent on Art Blocks or any other platform,” Calderon said. “These works represent a fundamental shift in how art can be created, collected, and preserved.”Art Blocks says it will continue to rely on a centralized generator as the primary means to visualize its pieces online. But it maintains that enabling full on-chain accessibility for these works is crucial to the company’s long-term mission of creating infrastructure for “a new chapter in art history.”